Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The coach U era at LB mercifully ended last night. The team lost, but it was a win for the program now that he will be gone. Lackluster tenure that completely failed to advance the program. Zero wins against their biggest rival and only a couple playoff appearances. Hopefully the administration learned from this and is able to upgrade and pull the team out of this quagmire. The only people upset are his former BL or Loyola College buddies that no longer are able to send their kids to LB and be guaranteed a spot on varsity as freshman. I guess that’s how the Cookie crumbles. . . twice.

There seems to be a lot of finger pointing at every school that is not MCD, BL and CHC. Get used to it, at least for a while. The playing field is not level and won't be as long as transferring in from elsewhere and being allowed to play immediately is allowed. If you have to sit a year if you transfer within the MIAA, then it is only fair that you have to sit if you transfer from elsewhere. The rest of the MIAA needs to stand up to MCD, BL and CHC, before this practice becomes the norm and those 3 teams are 3 of the final 4 every year. The fourth will be the school that happens to have a core of good players, kids of alums and can possibly pick up some disgruntled kids from the other 3 schools who hopefully see the writing on the wall before 9th grade. It is sad to see what is happening to a once great conference.

Yes, this is exactly why Gilman can’t compete. It’s not fair!!!!!!

Gilman's issues go back well past out of region/state players, boarding and even hold backs. Is this year 10 of not making the playoffs? If the above is not addressed, LB, SPS and STM will be playing for fourth in perpetuity.

Sometimes all you need is 1 or 2 out of state to complement what you have. That's all it took for McD this year with Santa Claus coming to town. BL does it on a very large scale. Either way, MIAA has to apply same rules and that is to sit out a year. Also, make BL play in the A conference in EVERY sport and see what that does. After all the "International Boarding School" can recruit for other sports...
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The coach U era at LB mercifully ended last night. The team lost, but it was a win for the program now that he will be gone. Lackluster tenure that completely failed to advance the program. Zero wins against their biggest rival and only a couple playoff appearances. Hopefully the administration learned from this and is able to upgrade and pull the team out of this quagmire. The only people upset are his former BL or Loyola College buddies that no longer are able to send their kids to LB and be guaranteed a spot on varsity as freshman. I guess that’s how the Cookie crumbles. . . twice.

There seems to be a lot of finger pointing at every school that is not MCD, BL and CHC. Get used to it, at least for a while. The playing field is not level and won't be as long as transferring in from elsewhere and being allowed to play immediately is allowed. If you have to sit a year if you transfer within the MIAA, then it is only fair that you have to sit if you transfer from elsewhere. The rest of the MIAA needs to stand up to MCD, BL and CHC, before this practice becomes the norm and those 3 teams are 3 of the final 4 every year. The fourth will be the school that happens to have a core of good players, kids of alums and can possibly pick up some disgruntled kids from the other 3 schools who hopefully see the writing on the wall before 9th grade. It is sad to see what is happening to a once great conference.

Yes, this is exactly why Gilman can’t compete. It’s not fair!!!!!!

Gilman's issues go back well past out of region/state players, boarding and even hold backs. Is this year 10 of not making the playoffs? If the above is not addressed, LB, SPS and STM will be playing for fourth in perpetuity.

Sometimes all you need is 1 or 2 out of state to complement what you have. That's all it took for McD this year with Santa Claus coming to town. BL does it on a very large scale. Either way, MIAA has to apply same rules and that is to sit out a year. Also, make BL play in the A conference in EVERY sport and see what that does. After all the "International Boarding School" can recruit for other sports...

Gilman can’t compete because their coach [Censored]! Henry Smyth, Mr. “ I didn’t know anything about students being molested “, should be fired for hiring such incompetence!!
It’s a dead program and is heading to the B conference.

Ok. I think we can be done with the Gilman talk for a long time. There are 10 other teams and many other topics like today's game. We have a bought team with many holdbacks and a boarder or two vs. the comeback kids who were counted out by many. No dog in the fight here. Just hoping for a well played & well officiated game.