Been watching all the sour grape bickering about the MD Region Nike Team. Past data does not support that being a Crab or playing HS for one of the evaluators creates an unfair selection process. I did a goggle search to see who made the team the last time the class of 22 played in the game. The data re club team affiliations was very revealing: 11 Hawks, 4 Crabs, 2 FCA, 2 RR and 3 clubs with 1 player each. Last I checked Hogan and King Crab are no where close to being bosom buddies, yet 11 Hawks earned their way on to the roster.

Not sure how the insecure and haters will respond to this data, but maybe this year’s rosters reflect the talent and ability that was best put on display at the tryout. Sure a deserving kid or two prob missed the team because an evaluator was looking somewhere else when they shined or circumstances resulted in their getting limited touches, etc. Based upon past data, whoever, it’s safe to assume the rosters most likely represent the cream of the talent crop, at this point in time, for central MD.