Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Jim Acosta
So true. Average lacrosse with little to no fire. This covid garbage has really messed with every aspect of society. Kids dont get sick, we have vaccines, and yet teams are told they cant play when 1 or 2 kids get it. Most of the Mid Atlantic still isn't playing. Every parent and grandparent has had the chance to get a shot, but we are limiting fans and still need to sit 6 feet (or sometimes 3 feet?? apart. Sad Sad Sad.

This is no longer the case. With new variants of COVID-19 being seen across the country that are more contagious and deadlier we are seeing many kids in our ERs who are extremely sick. COVID-19 is not going anywhere anytime soon unfortunately and until we had the majority of the population vaccinated we must continue to take necessary precautions to keep everyone safe.

I agree with this guy. Double mask inside your home and stay in the basement.

Ignorance is bliss; surely not what I am saying but KIDS GET SICK!!! I am assuming you voted for Mr Orange? lol

Wait? What? Kids get sick?? Of course they do you big dummy!! I know it's hard to believe, but kids actually got sick before Covid and they will get sick after Covid. I bet you are typing on your keyboard with latex gloves, double masked, face shield and goggles.

Yeah 3 died in my Pediatric ICU this past month; so yes ma’am they get sick with COVID and die. Please do not come at me about this issue; you’re mentality is why the numbers are back to where we were in January.