No- private matters are not a big deal until they become public. It is then that the world has an issue to deal with. Perception is the reality and facts are facts; context is debatable. Forgiveness and empathy are critical yet are lost on most people today. Unfortunately, one's actions impact the world's "brands" very quickly. Navy, Spaulding, Severn, St. Mary's, Hawks etc all have a liability to get over and/or deal with. Precedent, prediction, and liability. The more important and influential you are, the better your chance of getting a second chance. If they are smart, they will own up, admit their mistakes and get their second chances. If the leaders are smart, they will be quick to condemn the behavior, get out in front of it, and move on quickly. The kid that was kicked and humiliated will hopefully get into therapy. He will never be the same as the memory will be with him forever. For him I pray the hardest. These kids lives shouldn't be ruined/significantly altered over things like this, but it is a good time for the community to pause and remember that our lives and actions have meaning and consequence.