Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
i appreciate the insight , everyone knows Politics rule , i asked the question and I appreciate the honesty - at the end of the day , the real questuion is how do you get a fair look if your not one of the favorite chosen kids

Lacrosse is broken. Extremely brown. Taken over by greed and the all mighty dollar. The most corrupt money grab I’ve ever heard of. Politics are everywhere but even more significant than that is the bias toward “size” over “talent” out there on most teams. Incidentally, talent and effort beats size every single time (separate subject).

Having said that, it is no different than “life”. Life ain’t fair. It’s prejudice. It’s bias. It’s corrupt. What to do?? Holdback parents will say, quit, and hold your kid back (again).

It’s an obstacle. Your kid is going to encounter alot of them in his life. Should he quit? Or work even harder and hopefully overcome? This is what the sport is truely about. How your kid handles this obstacle is a precursor to how he will handle them for the rest of his life. Hint: keep grinding and overcome.

What sport doesn’t prioritize size?
Get over yourself.

Successful lacrosse teams. Take a look at many of the top D1 teams. Tons and tons of kids 5’9” and smaller. These successful coaches prioritize athleticism, IQ, skills and talent over size. Size is the least important component in the evaluation of offensive talent.

My kid got invited to both Committed Combine and Project 9. We got the invite for CC first and registered. Got the invite for P9 yesterday. Think it’s worth it to do P9 too? This stuff is not cheap. P9 is 1500.00 for 2.5 days.

YES!! only if you can affords it. If your kid is invited to any of the TOP recruiting showcases than do it. At these top events its a way for college coaches to know right off the bat your committed to the game and the next level.Coaches can weed your kid off the list or add them to a list or seal the deal. For the player it may be the difference in getting to the DREAM school of his choice.
If your kid is not invited and you know players are already invited before a tryout then you know its a money grab to fill the event. Many, many 4* and 5* recruits never see the field but just as many regular grinders who are very good lax players tend to see playing time sooner and often,Size has very little to do with it if your kid is a grinder.Plenty of examples of that from thepast 3 grad years. 20's.21's & 22's.