Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Really funny and how critical and nasty some of you are but only to certain kids. Rip had a great season but struggled in the last game. There wasn’t another game all year he didn’t produce and while not big numbers in this game he at least had some. Yes I understand because TR is involved he gets higher criticism. Truth is people have been waiting for Spald to fail so they could all pick apart. Kids did something great making it to the end.

One can only wonder if Petro would of received the same criticism if they lost with dad coaching . Scoreless yes scoreless in two of the teams final three games in playoffs yet after those performances it gets tucked away. Thankfully my son is a senior and could not of asked for a better ending but the politics with BL is in another dimension DP scoreless against Loy. 4 goals vs McD all assisted by teammates meanwhile BS had 2,4 clearly best player. Then DP went invisible in Final with another scoreless performance
Not much difference other than result of team People that do not like TM direct it at him not his son

Clearly you have no idea. Clearly he was being sealed but was also the decoy. They wouldn’t slide off of him so he was content to let his teammates win the game. Unselfish

Top players aren’t decoys he got shut down 0,0 in two of three playoff games Biggest game of the year petro had no points none by not a top defensemen in his own class

This is true DP is good not great gets hyped because name Realistically top 15 in class not top 5. Team won tho

top 15 in your class is great. Represents top .02% of the class