Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Whoever keeps talking about the Prostart goalie's number being called by mistake is obviously not in the loop. The kid deserved to make the team last year - he is good and he played well at UA. The number called by mistake for the callback game on the day of tryouts... was an obvious fluke and if you were there last year - you would know this. The kids number that was called by mistake only played a half of a half of the final callback game and didn't make the final team.

Stop trying to put people down on an anonymous forum big guy.

The goalie last year who mistakenly made the callback game was not the Prostart goalie. It was a kid who was very clearly outmatched in every prelim game.

Ok, but was the prostart goalies number called yesterday? I heard there were only 3 teams of players at the tryouts because so many of the top players opted not to try out this year. So if he is top 5 in the country, and there were only a handful of goalies at the event, he must of made it right?

If anyone would like to talk about the ProStart/SP goalie feel free to give me a call. Would love to have an honest/non-anonymous conversation with anyone who needs anything cleared up about him, me, family, dogs, etc. I've never been on here before, so curious what this imposter is posting!
Rob Shepherd

Mic Drops ...a few minutes it was like a lacrosse forum in here....now it is as quiet as a church .
And I bet you his phone hasn’t rung.