Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Every team cheats, hence why that statement above is wrong, express and 91 will find players and they will compete. Igloo Moose etc have no shot at the WS

They’ll both be bringing their age eligible 28’s i’m sure
Thought the eligibility worked where you pick where you can play based on your birthday/grad year and you stay in that lane? Being able to just switch because you're technically age eligible, but not that grad year doesn't make sense.

Club Lacrosse is by grade. So you could have a kid left or held back a year or reclassed and they could still play because they are in the same grade as the others, regardless of age.

The World Series is by age with birth certificate checks. So regardless of grade, as long as one meets the birthdate cut off, then they are eligible.

And herein lies the problem with all events. People will complain when 28’s come play the worldseries. People will complain when teams show up to 2029 events next summer with 14 and 15 year olds.

It can be confusing.

Only thing not confusing is that Long Island teams typically dominate on age play.

They probably should with 10 million kids to select from, and still have above age kids on their teams. Wink, wink. They still can’t get them on the same team so they find excuses for why they lose to northern and southern teams. Go to Minnesota and enjoy your tournament, we will be waiting this summer to smack your on age kids around, and your holdbacks to. Stop the lies!!!