Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The ML goalies should watch out as these two will eventually pull their boy in once they settle in (Rocket).

MadLax was 2-5 in HoCo for a reason, and it wasn’t lack of talent.

The talent was there, just have to balance it with academics.

You mean IQ wasn't there? Not sure what you mean by "academics." They just plainly [Censored] and didn't know how to play TEAM lacrosse. Also, not all the fly ins played except once or twice and they still lost. The only thing that changed in the summer is fly ins in attendance "National" team players and that made a difference but not enough when again TEAM lacrosse is not played or instituted by coaches. Then you add the sideline dads with 'wheels', "take him" or 'get it to ____" well that is not going to make for a win against the good TEAMS. They do play good tournaments though and the social media of the players are on point. No other club can touch it.

Thanks DCE Dad. Btw, you went 0-5 this summer against top twenty teams but you looked like a TEAM so you have that going for you.

Sorry not a DCE dad. But ML only beat 2 (Leading Edge and Towerman) out of the top 20 and went 0-5 this summer as well (Express, Upstate, Hawks 2x, 3d NE Red) but we can call it even.

It used to be that MadLax and DCE/BLC were ahead of VLC and NextLevel, but VLC has pulled even, and NL is closing the gap as well. The good thing about the latter two teams is that their rosters stay more constant, while MadLax and DCE are more of a merry go round constantly chasing new players.

So true and todays new USCL rankings of VLC at 56 and NL at 68 totally support your analysis.

ML 25 ML National 24 and DCE 17. So what does that say?