Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
US Club Lax is a formula based ranking. They also cap the number goals a team wins by. The ranking is heavily influence by strength of schedule of opposing teams. Unfortunately US Club Lax data is filled with errors so rankings are flawed at this point. Look for a revised list in a couple of weeks once they clean up their data. Also their rankings in general don’t have enough games in the season to give a true ranking - every team needs around 30plus games to make this ranking methodology accurate.

Hard to have confidence in a system when the #1 ranked LI Express has a losing record of 1-5 against the Hawks ranked #7 and Tiger ranked #3 and both those teams won all the tournaments and only have one loss. To say the Hawks are not #1 is crazy.

Agreed. US Club lax guy really needs to do some data quality review on his rankings. Last time it was also a mess. This comes across as a guy in his basement doing a bad cut and paste job. He needs to add some people to his staff or not bother putting out a ranking.

maybe they take age into consideration?

If you look they are only taking games into account from the fall on. LIE is not 1-5 against the Hawks in that time period and Tigers didn't beat Hawks. Hawks rankings seems to be an issue as it has them with 2 losses but if you look at the inputted games there are no losses. Overall this system should be the better one as it is a mathematic algorithm vs a committee talking to coaches and "experts". But every system is flawed. And in the end they are 13/14 rankings don't matter unless we has parents and coaches make them matter. Kids should play their hardest no matter who they are playing. Everyone by now knows who are the top 5 teams regardless of where they are ranked on these lists. And those 5 teams will change by the time they are 15/16. Enjoy watching the kids play and encourage them to continue to get better. The smile on their face when they leave a game is worth more than a #1 ranking.