Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Predator parents/coaches aren't saying squat. They will be a good program. But none of these teams expect to be elite or compete at elite. HoCO won't let them in their first year of existence anyway. That smack talk is just coming from someone trying to give them a bad reputation. It was funny at first, but getting kinda old now.

I'm more interested in the top AAA teams from last year and bottom Elites. Wonder where they are playing this fall and where the movement will be next spring?

The Predators' coaches and their organization started "advertising" on this forum by very creepily pretending that they were a big deal at the end of every post. It has been just plain weird. The mocking was actually an amusing break for a bit. No one knows who/what they will be. They are earning their own bad reputation. As far as their level of play, they could be anywhere from FCA to True Baltimore.

As far as the potential change of leagues from AAA to Elite -
The top 5 were TRW Wolfpack Sidewinders, Top Caliber, Roughriders and Breakers. TRW Wolfpack was the class of AAA all spring. They did not lose until the finals. Sidewinders only lost Wolfpack in regular season and played very solidly; but they do not have the bigger kids necessary to play with the elites. Top Caliber added 5 kids who didn't play in the spring for the playoffs and beat Sidewinders and Wolfpack. If those 5 kids play all year, they should elevate to Elite, as should Wolfpack. As to who should move down, there is now the Crabs Hardshells, which will be the the kids from last year's elite team that got pushed down for the much talked about holdbacks. Predators (and their annoying marketing department) will likely also be AAA. That fills two spots if Top Caliber and Wolfpack and Top Caliber move up. They could do a ten team division at Elite. Ultimately the Elite division is mostly a two team race, Hawks and Crabs. True added some pieces, but they are likely the "best of the rest." Cannons and HoCo are also looking to jump from AA to AAA, with solid justification.. There was some rumors on this board that Roughriders was blowing up, which could knock them down, if any of that was even true. Breakers is a one player team. Outside of one midfielder the team is basically a AA team. Saltwater had a lousy spring; but a very solid summer. They could legitimately push their way into the upper echelons by spring. . .

Only thing creepily is you failing to address why you are against Predators. Predators take a few players from your club? Worried the new club might pass your team by in a minute... Preadtors will be top 4 within the year. Who knows after that. Deal with it.