Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
GHCLC Spectators

The Greater Howard Club Lacrosse Conference (GHCLC) would like to remind all spectators to reinforce positive values through the sport of lacrosse. The first half of the season has witnessed some unacceptable behavior from spectators. This behavior is starting to leak on to the field and affect the kids ability to play, the coaches ability to coach, and the officials ability to officiate games properly in a safe environment.

On behalf of the GHCLC, I ask that all spectators refrain from any foul language, harassment of player/coach/officials and reinforce positivity as a spectator. Furthermore, spectators are NOT permitted to sit, stand or otherwise be behind player bench side. All spectators must be on the opposite side of player benches. Violation of outlined requirements could result in game forfeitures and suspensions.

As stated in the GHCLC Bylaws (https://www.ghclacrosse.com/rules), spectators who are ejected from games will serve a one (1) game suspension (not including the game which he/she was ejected). The ejection will be submitted to the League Commissioner for review. Those involved could face harsher penalties (forfeits, multigame game suspensions, etc) should the Commissioner and Rule’s Committee deem necessary.

Thank you for your compliance,

Ricky DuBois

League Commissioner


Was there and incident?