Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It is the only youth sport that lets fully developed 180 pound 14 year olds play against a pre-pubescent 90 pound 12 year old. Major safety issue and unfortunately nothing will change until a kid gets permanently injured or worse. Until then kids must deal with it or choose another sport.

Exactly. Kidds are already getting hurt or they become discouraged because they struggle to compete physically with kids a full year older. I've seen some really good athletes leave the sport because of this. On top of that, the best clubs get to play against the best competition and have access to the best training. Those clubs are loaded with holdbacks. Yeah on age kids will catch up in age eventually, but the younger 11/12/13 year olds who can't see PT are at a developmental disadvantage.

But, go ahead holdback parent and keep celebrating your second year 8th grader and tell me my kid needs to hit the wall. You're so proud on this forum. Its funny how that pride disappears when it comes to filling out a bday on Team Snap. Don't worry, we know your kid's older. It just makes it that much sweeter to see your kid fade away and ride the pine as our sons catch up in age.

Are there 12 yr olds in the 2026 class? Believe it or not there are some 13-14 who are 6’0 180-200 lbs and are constantly called hold backs on the sidelines by these psycho parents. I see it weekly.

As a parent of a kid on age what message are you sending your kids when playing against older competition? It’s ok Billie you lost he’s older! Don’t cry Johnny he’s bigger then you!! You can’t Timmy they’re holdbacks!! The whining on this board is tiresome. In the end talent raises to the top regardless of age as you will soon see in HS.

Great post holdback dad. Comparing two kids with same talent and same work ethic, the holdback kid wins. He has had one more year of physical and mental growth. Plus one more year of work.

Don’t post this BS.

The vast majority of holdbacks are July/August birthdays. So really it’s a couple of weeks not a year. But you keep telling yourself that.

Glad you have a record of every holdback in 2026. This really clears everything up.

Maybe you are just talking about the 2 year holdbacks. I know many kids that are September birthdays and held back.