Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
No seriously, if safety is your main concern then you should drop down to AAA…let’s be honest your son probably plays on one of the lower tier teams anyway so there won’t be much of a difference.

I was the poster about safety. Actually my son plays on a top 5 nationally ranked team and has no problem playing against holdbacks but it isn’t safe. Fully developed holdbacks who are 15 years old are an unwitting danger to 13 year olds who haven’t reached puberty. I unfortunately predict a permanent injury one day which will lead to a major lawsuit and national media attention that will end this holdback era for good. It is sad that nothing will likely change until a tragedy like that.

holdbacks have neem going on forever and this hasn't happened. Its not going to happen

holdbacks have been part of life forever in the private school area, but not in the world of youth lacrosse until about 7/8 years ago. Prior to the explosion of clubs due to supposebly ER, the best teams were either U15AA or U13AA..Age based ..Even the King Crab himself had two great age based teams in U15 and U13.