Originally Posted by Anonymous
Playing your son down means that as a father you had either a son who was either not smart enough to do schoolwork on age, or not athletic enough to compete on age or likely both. Instead of hit the wall, hit the books. Teach your son challenge himself to be better, instead following the path of least resistance to playing an age down. It is ironic that the same dad posts condescendingly (that means "talks down to" for you holdback dads) about kids in AAA & AA but can't see that their own son was not only not capable of playing against the top level; but that they had to drop them down a whole age group to make them feel better about their competitive chances. I bet you can also dunk a basketball on a 7 foot rim. But so what?! Be a better human. Stop blasting kids who are actually trying to succeed, at the same point or above where you already gave up on your son There is a reason that Long Island lacrosse makes fun of Maryland. It is you.

You can make fun of MD all you like. Long Island children would benefit from the approach taken by most MD independent schools in offering a pre-first year to those kids who need one.

My son did a pre-first year, and now by your logic is considered a "holdback". His pre-first year allowed him time to mature from a boy who wanted to play all day into a boy who began to understand the difference between classroom and playground and act accordingly. He is now an A student. Were we wrong to allow him time to mature? How does our decision affect you or anyone else?

Read the science - boys and girls mature at different rates. Many more boys do a pre-first year than girls.

Many parents struggle with deciding whether to do a pre-first year. I have spoken with a number of families about the decision, both before and years afterward. The parents who decide to have their child do a pre-first year never (NEVER!) regret it. At five years old, it isn't done for athletics, at least not by most parents; it is done for well-being and gives the child a chance to mature academically and reach their potential as they progress through school. I wish I had been granted the opportunity as a child.

Are there some kids who move from public to private schools and repeat ninth grade? Sure. Do some do it for athletics? Yes, of course. The large majority do it for academic reasons. Should USA Lacrosse be actively trying to change the system to protect smaller players from being hurt while playing against larger kids who are older (and in some cases much larger) yet in the same grade-based division? Absolutely. The problem isn't the kid who did a pre-first year - the problem is the grade-based system that the clubs and some high schools perpetuate.

It has nothing to do with smarts. It has everything to do with what is right for the child.