Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My kid is on age playing in Elite and I’m tired of all the whining on here. There’s a holdback thread filled with insecure 5th grade dads. Go there if you want to whine and cry. If your kid struggles against kids a year older than him now then he’s not going to be good enough to play at a high level anywhere over the next 6-8 years. Both because he’s just not talented and because his daddy keeps making excuses for him about it not being fair that he has to play (in most cases) kids 6-10 months older than him.

Since you are only here to poundd your chest, realize that others are here to pat your back. If your kid is on age and starts on a top 5 elite team, he is a talented player. Be proud of him. Recognize that people do have legitimate issues with clowns whose kids were not good enough or smart enough to play on age like your son. Unlike you, they chose to stack the deck for their kids . However , I am with you. Me and a coupe guys from the gym went to play a bunch of 3rd graders in kickball down on the play ground. We smoked them. It was awesome! But it's all good because Joey only reads at a second grade level so it's just like the kids who failed back.

There is much anger in you young Skywalker