Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What’s the word on tryouts? I’m hearing that clubs are already solidifying their rosters and there will be very little movement of top players. I’m guessing the lower clubs and startups will only pickup 2nd string talent at best.

It’s all noise until after tryouts. I suspect elite team starters will remain mostly unchanged and they will try to add where they can. Crabs will be interesting and I think have more adds and leaves/drops. Lower teams and startups (if they can get enough kids) may pick up good players who aren’t getting time.

Will be interesting to see how Crabs performs this weekend at NLF. If they continue to struggle, they could lose a couple of their key players. Hearing rumblings from families that they are not happy with the direction of the team.

Will also be interesting to see how Crabs management reacts. McClernan generally has a pretty short fuse for teams that don't perform.