FCA does have at least 2 holdbacks. They will add new players like always, but I think they will also be adding a white team. So some kids that jump ship from other teams may be infor a surprise. They are keeping the same "dad" coaches which are fine in my opinion. If it works why fix it. Curious to see what players jump to FCA from other teams or if FCA is recruiting at all. There has been talk about players missing playing time however, seemed to be calmed down with the new rule.

Team 91, not sure what to make about this. Wonder if they will still be in the elite division

LTLC does exist for next season their tryouts are listed. Just saw that Crabs does not have a 2029 tryout on their list anymore. LTLC/Crabs will just play a lot more games as both teams from what it seems like. After next year that is a different story.

Yes Crabs played in tournaments this summer as crabs with 95% LTLC players and the rest guest players. Nothing secretive about that. Just look at the tournaments played this month. As for movement I am sure some kids will leave but just as many kids will be cut.

The True Baltimore teams will regroup and have a better team and a not so good 2nd team. As long as they can field 2 teams for the $$$$ they will have 2 mediocre teams with on slightly better than the other. Saw both teams play in tournies this summer and made me question how bad Hoco AAA really was.

At this age, kids and PARENTS need to realize that their kid might not be the best or be the most coachable kid. With all teams, starting from this season on, it's those players that develop, give their best effort, and realize that they won't get what they want all the time are those that will succeed. Hard work pays off. Also those parents on the side line that coach their kids and complain about the team and think they no more about what their kid is doing on the field than the coaches. Your not helping you kid just making things worse for them. All teams have this.