Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I know little about about LTLC and why they stayed, but i will say every year I notice and less and less rec/club teams sticking around and folding providing little access to those that just want to play lax with out having to deal with the "politics" that club lacrosse brings. I think LTLC has provided a good product at this age. I wonder do any of the bigger tournaments allow rec teams in that are at a higher level or are rec programs frowned upon (genuiely don't know)? Maybe that's why there is a hybrid model. Only respectful comments please. #it'sonly7thgrade

I know a couple of the LTLC families who's sons are talented enough to play for an Elite level club.

They like this transition for a couple of reasons...

1. They like their current LTLC coaches
2. They like the other families and players on the team and know some of those kids won't make it on Crabs.
3. They like spending a fraction of the Club team cost.
4. But they recognize they need to move their kids to an elite club team for high school and this solution allows most of the core of the team to remain intact.

This was the compromise that it took for the LTLC team to agree to transition to Crabs. Crabs would have made the change effective immediately but LTLC wanted a transition year.

Makes perfect sense to me.
This makes sense. Thank you for posting.