Originally Posted by Anonymous
Is anyone upset that parents made a decision to "hold back" a kid in kindergarten? I've never seen this -- or met anyone upset at this. This is completely understandable.

The holdback frustration comes from the parents holding back their 3rd line middie in 7th or 8th grade so that they can move up to the 2nd or 1st line at a younger age group by playing agaisnt smaller, less developed kids. This happens frequently. In Maryland and outside Maryland. I know ALOT of people defend this - but I personally don't understand it.

Is this thread equating the two? I know the current rules don't differentiate. But its a false argument to say people are upset at the kindergarten holdbacks. They are not. Or at least I've never met one that is.

I held back my son in kindergarten. there was a multitude of reasons for that, none of which had anything to do with sports. He was diagnosed with a severe learning disability and was not even on the growth chart from a percentage perspective (meaning his height and weight were very low for his age). We held him back so that he had more time adjust to these challenges and we are glad that we did for his own personal development.
He is now the oldest player on this team. he is also still the smallest player on his team. He is not the best player and he is not the worst player. We have no illusions. He has had to deal with more adversity in his young life than most of his peers. He is a holdback... but certainly not for sports reasons.