Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just looked it up… other than vail up to date.

FCA scores made it in already.

FCA Denver scores are in. FCA Vail scores are not.

What's interesting as we continue the discussion on "NATIONAL" teams is that when the right game plan is executed against them (i.e. Nationals Lacrosse Club) they are definitely beatable by non-National teams, who have an advantage of playing together all the time, knowing specific strategies / tendencies when in tough game situations, and playing better team defense. Having seen Nationals Lacrosse Club 2029 team....they are a high powered offensive machine!! Tons of talent. But the defense is suspect and honestly doesn't really get tested much at all because they pretty much score.....win the face-off.....score.....win the face-off.

Hawks has beaten Nationals Lacrosse Club already (5-4). FCA had them beat in the first match-up, was up 4-2 with 6 mins left then an apparent non-goal call, which Nationals responded with a come back. The regular clubs wont win every time, but they can win and have kept scores much closer.

My point is Nationals Lacrosse Club will pummel the lower level club teams, as well the other National teams.....just look at the proof. But against the top 10 clubs teams....they are way closer comparable scores.

Nationals teams are great for "non-hot bed" area players because it gives them exposure and the opportunity to play at a higher level of competition for sure.

Agree....should be interesting to see the Naptown Final tomororw with HAWKS vs. NATIONALS again.