Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
First you have committed to your home club. The team you spend most of your time with. Second there are many opportunities to play on side clubs different from your home team and witch “may” provide a different opportunity. My feeling is if this side club interferes at all with your home club then the home club may have never been your choice or you have FOMO and feel that if you miss this opportunity you kid will never make it. Don’t let the side club, that may play a few tournaments interfere with the real meat and bones of team lacrosse. Many of the “allstar” teams are just money makers. Would you like it if you planned a birthday party with your friend and they cancelled because they decided to hang out with a friend of a friend that they kind of knew to get a beer.

let’s be honest… He’s likely talking about crabs. Crabs does not tolerate players playing on any other team. It doesn’t matter if there is no schedule conflict.

I get it at the high school, but in middle school, that policy is just wrong.

Yes, you need to give your home club priority. But if the schedule allows the player to play elsewhere and he wants to do so, there should be no reason a youth sports organization stands in his way.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
First you have committed to your home club. The team you spend most of your time with. Second there are many opportunities to play on side clubs different from your home team and witch “may” provide a different opportunity. My feeling is if this side club interferes at all with your home club then the home club may have never been your choice or you have FOMO and feel that if you miss this opportunity you kid will never make it. Don’t let the side club, that may play a few tournaments interfere with the real meat and bones of team lacrosse. Many of the “allstar” teams are just money makers. Would you like it if you planned a birthday party with your friend and they cancelled because they decided to hang out with a friend of a friend that they kind of knew to get a beer.

let’s be honest… He’s likely talking about crabs. Crabs does not tolerate players playing on any other team. It doesn’t matter if there is no schedule conflict.

I get it at the high school, but in middle school, that policy is just wrong.

Yes, you need to give your home club priority. But if the schedule allows the player to play elsewhere and he wants to do so, there should be no reason a youth sports organization stands in his way.

Not true. If the boy is a student - crabs absolutely will look the other way. Happens on each high school team. Only if not a student will King Crab have issues.

As opposed to the non-student 24 year old auto mechanics that are guest playing for Crabs?

Cpme on ... King Crab likes them old, but 24 ? that's a stretch , Most I have seen him have in HS tournament was 21 .. So there is that going for him.