Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How is FCA beating True Chesapeake an upset special? They beat them like 7-2 earlier this year.

True will beat FCA this time around.

1. They were missing their top 2 players earlier
2. Have added 5-7 kids from True National teams that are flying in every weekend

Completely different squad I saw first week then previously

It's a '28 Chesapeake family subsidizing the '28 guest players. Think you're confusing '29 with '28.

Correct…at 29 FCA is the team that miraculously got much better.

Did FCA miraculously get better? Looking at scores they dominated the competition at AAA and seemed to work there way up the ladder from AA, AAA, Elite over a three year period. They probably could have played Elite last year, not that they would have been the best, but would have at least been better than Team 91 MD.