Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I saw True C scrimmaging LTLC last weekend while at Red Hots training. Some good talent over there.
Based on what I saw at the Circuit this weekend, are you sure that wasn’t True National’s 2028 team reclassed and now playing with/as the 29 Red Hots National Team?
No, full of Hawks.

Parent of a 29 Red Hots National Team. We only have 2 Hawks players and they were only there on SAT.

Multiple True kids from across the country. All June 1 Birthdays or later. Big boys nonetheless.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Um, that was a rhetorical question by the PP. But to correct him they aren’t reclasses. The kid who scored all the goals is a ‘28.

Kid who scored all the goals was born June 24, 2010.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I thought this was the age verification tournament. Wasn’t that the point. except for 3 waivers. It’s all over social media too. Is this just sour grapes parents complaining or does this tournament not live up to the billing and promises?

The Circuit requires that you submit a copy of Birth Certificate or Passport. June 1 cutoff. 2 exceptions allowed at the 29 level but they cannot be born before 1/1/2010.

Appreciate the explanation and kudos to Red Hots for being able to get a beast based on his birthdate. Textbook recruiting. But that team is literally one player who’s bigger, faster, stronger and then a bunch of kids to complete a roster. The upset daddies are the ones dreading football players dominating their avg height/athleticism kids spots. Sorry but it’s just a matter of time.

Help me out, I went to public school. If my son birthday is 7/2011, could he play for 31’s in the circuit? Again, please help don’t tease me.