Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
91 Pride will dominate at the LWSC this year. No MD team can hang with them.

That's a bold statement considering Pride lost to the only truly elite MD team that they played last year, Annapolis Hawks. 91 LI Pride is 0-1 against Marylands best.

Yes against Marylands holdbacks they lost but to kids their own age from Maryland in the LWSC? No chance. I know Maryland goes by the motto “if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying” but Long Island doesn’t.

Oh yeah. LI lax is not known for cheating, bonehead screaming parents with Qanon tattoos, or holdback players. None of those can be seen at a S2S, 91, LIE, or Lumberjacks game. This is hilarious. By all means tell us more.

Not sure what big deal is, MD has holdbacks, And many are the best players on their teams. Is everyone a Holdback on MD teams..of course not, But we all know, without our holdbacks or prefirsts many teams would be average at best.

MIAA is loaded with holdbacks who go on to a successful college career. Not a big deal to admit it works for MD and their teams.
It’s just not nearly as rampant as you insinuate in 2029. It typically happens after 8th grade down in Md. not prior.