Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Who is entering the World Series this year? Don’t give me the excuses. When you watch the kids there every year you can see it’s a great tournament and the kids love it! Come on Maryland, put an on age real travel team in the tournament. No “Team Maryland” nonsense, put your name on it. Crabs, Hawks etc!!!
True will have a team there. Not sure about the other programs.

LOL. True will be the best kids pulled from all of their teams . Easy to put their name on it when they own so many clubs and pool of players to choose from.

I think it's any kid born before September 1, 2010 and within 100 miles of the Moose Athletic Facility can tryout for the WS team with True. It's a pretty amazing experience for the kids. The WSLC puts on a great event. Kids get to attend a banquet all dressed up with their teams and exchange pins with other teams from around the country. It definitely adds more time, money, and effort in a busy lacrosse season. Worth considering. Only comes around once in a players lifetime.

Sorry, but the WSLC isn't some amazing tournament: It is a bunch of rich kids whose parents pay to play. Glad the kids get to dress up and trade pins. But other than that, it's no better than NLF or NAL.

My older son has played in them all - WSLC is by far his favorite. Sample size of 1 though.

Same for my older son as well. Sample size of two now.
I’m not catching up to see but sample size 3. My oldest son played in and had a great experience as well. Also just an interesting aside, True own the World Series.