Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
As I said certain State embarrassed themselves again in the UA... because why??? These teams don't truly represent the state!! It's a scam with club coaches putting their kids in. Looks at the scores you dopes!! It's a joke...

Poor little Shannon didn't get picked. Dude, maybe you should stop drinking? Ranting at 1AM on a message board about a girl's lacrosse tournament is a sign. UA is the most competitive tournament in the country. It's a great thing to be a part of for the girls. The Senior All-American games last night were a blast to watch. Sorry you and your daughter couldn't be here.

Under Armour.......Agreed, hands down and by far these are the most talented teams assembled anywhere. Imagine you already play on a travel team that is ridiculously talented. Now cherry pick the top kid from there and cherry pick all the top kids from the other travel teams in your area. Highest level of play you can achieve for the age group you are in, nothing even close. This is not a debate, this is exactly how it is. And yes my daughter has played for nearly everything else you may bring up, and no it does not compare. This is "IT".