Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heard that they are not saying who the A,B, or C teams are until after the first installment is paid. If you are wondering I would try to get in direct contact with Express. Remember last year they had 2 A teams and one B. If you got the B team I suggest you go elsewhere. Good luck to all.

That's insane. How could any business ask for you to pay for something that you have no idea what you are getting until after you pay. Criminal. How this club stays in business the way they treat their customers is beyond me.

They will do whatever they think they can get away with when it comes to insane parents. It's the parents that allow and facilitate this bad behavior by the express. Who in their right mind would pay bug money in the "real world" for something that they had no idea what was behind door number 1 2 or 3. Good luck with that you bunch of suckers.