'Your Tempted?"
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Honestly it's rude at this point Express! Thabksgiving is tomorrow. People have families. If you are having a tournament the day after a family holiday at least have the decency to get families the schedule so they can plan. I'm tempted to not even have my son play but I don't want to hurt the rest of the team.

Very Noble of you.
Make sure Your Rabil is rested.
As the team probably cant compete without him
you pompous a$$

Why is it you read that the team can't compete without my son? I didn't say that. I'm sure I am not the only one with a family and would like to spend Thanksgiving weekend with my family and that I am not the only one that might not be able to bring my son if we can't plan accordingly. So if a bunch of boys do not show up it would hurt the team. That is what I meant, you a$$. My post was a complaint out to Express. I don't normally complain about the organization. I just think this is rude.