Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Seems like a lot of Express parents making excuses for one of their own. If you don't think that we as parents are representing the club that we pay to be a part of at large events like this, you're kidding yourself.

I agree with you 100%. The parents are just making excuses. These are the same parents that dog WP for leaving a tournament after loosing a game calling it bad sportsman ship.

I believe as one of the oldest travel organization around they keepers of the game and have an obligation to make a statement in support. This is not about if they did something wrong as an organization or not it's simply about equity and empathy. The organization could have chosen to be an Allie but showed us who they are and stayed silent.

This. People can argue about who represents the club and who doesn't, but the fact remains that it was an opportunity for the club to stand up and be an ally — use their platform to denounce racism and respect the game — and they didn't get off the couch. Huge missed opportunity. The message is that they don't care or aren't smart, or maybe both.