Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
M&D is top 2027 top to bottom I’ve seen and it’s been that way for a few years. Top defenders sets them apart imo. They don’t make mistakes.

OK big momma, your daughter played against average competition

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
M&D is top 2027 top to bottom I’ve seen and it’s been that way for a few years. Top defenders sets them apart imo. They don’t make mistakes.

OK big momma, your daughter played against average competition

They played against Jesters, FL Select, and Eagle Stix. But sure, average.

So now anyone who isn't top 4 is average? The stuff some of the clowns write.

And for the record, M&Ds bread and butter is draw, getting up and down the field and scoring. I've never known them to be defensive juggernauts. Like, not ever. Heros, however, has a great defensive unit.

Ok hero’s dad. Hero’s defense is their weak spot, 100%. They have an amazing goalie, and one great defender. Other than that, they are average at best. Most of their defenders would struggle to make the A team on M&D, SW, MDU, and Capital.

Just ask Jesters how great Hero’s defense is. Jesters beats them everytime they play them and their offense is average at best.

Don't need to ask anything. It's the match up and draw control. SW beat Jesters by 6 (8-2); M&D beat Jesters by 1 (4-3). And M&D beat SW 5 -1 in the chanpioship. What can you gather from that? Not much. Ill say it again: draw control, matchup. SW has a strong D as well (16 goals allowed in the midatlantic). They do foul, but they play HS level physical D. I think Heros is overrated.

So by this logic, SW is the best team in the DMV...got it

By your logic, you can't read. You missed the sentence where i said: "What can you gather from that? NOT MUCH."

Then why mention it? Put a lot of thought into your post? "NOT MUCH" I guess

I posted because the other posts talked about who had better defenses, using scores as their support. I made the point that you can't only go by scores bc they don't fully reflect quality of defense. You actually made by point by implying SW beating a Jesters by more than M&D didn't mean SW was better than M&D. That's my point: Sometimes it's about match-up, style of play and draw control.

Listen, i don't know if you read after you have a buzz, can't read with conprehension, or...or... hear me out... are just dense. Either way, please keep posting. This brings me joy, bigly.

Bigly? Gotta be a SW parent.

Missed another joke and wrote a slow-witted come back? You bring nothing to the forum a 3rd grader couldn't. Go sit down or hire better writers.

Nah. Rather get a rise out of a dullard like yourself. Go SW