Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just saw the results from MD United in the big California tourney last weekend. Is it safe to assume they didn't bring their full roster or most of their top players?

Losing in the quarters (and again in consolation game) in a weak tourney doesn't look good.

They went 3-0 play and was #2 seed. Lost to 180, they are strong team, Top-15. Consolation games, I mean read into what you want for those. Those National teams that made it to championship are as strong as a top-10 team. National teams nearly always win these tournaments.

My question was whether or not they brought their full team. I would assume no, given that its a holiday weekend and a 6-7 hour plane ride, likely with connections.

Even looking at pool play results, I would have expected them to win each of their pool play games by 10+ goals given the opposition. I actually think only beating Grit and Team 1 by 5 is probably worse than losing to 180.

Nothing wrong with losing to 180 if you had half of your starters. If they didn't have your full team, then it's not a horrible loss. If you did, maybe it's not horrible, but it means that MD United is no longer a top 10-15 team, probably closer to 25 or 30. In the fall, 180 wasn't competitive against any of the top 20 teams it played.