Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Excellent exposure for kids who aren't starters or don't see much time for their hs or club.

I shouldn’t ask but why are those kids considered BIC?
Evaluated to be best on their team and invited. 2026 is loaded. I bet some 2028 got left out cause they aren’t as well know. You wanna be there during recruiting year. Well over 70 coaches sitting there watching the best on best matchups. Some of the 27 players earn a spot back , some get replaced if they didn’t play up to that level.

Evaluated to be the best on their team and invited by who? Stop kidding yourself. We applied online and got our DD selected. It had nothing to do with anyone knowing who she is or your DD. Yes there were a lot of really talented girls there but those are the ones focused on playing in college and attend these events. There were other talented girls not there because they have decided to attend other events. Some are doing multiple events this summer. It was an enjoyable and informative experience though.