Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you can write a check, you can play club, don’t kid yourself.

They said high level, not just club. Big difference

Somebody's kid is on elite club soccer team and an elite club lacrosse program at High School level?
Yes, I've seen it. The in season sport should always take precedent. At the end of the day, it's really no ones business if it's not your child.
Yeah, we've all seen it. That's the whole point of the discussion. The decision is of course always with the athlete and the parent, but we're allowed to notice that they're getting injured at a higher rate than everyone else and warn parents about whats coming. I think for the truly elite athlete that plays at a top level on both top teams, the risk might be worth it. But this is pretty rare. Typically a kid is truly elite at one and can manage to get on an elite team in the other, but isn't a top performer. These are growing kids, but they're still kids. You're going to have to pay the piper at some point for overworking their bodies beyond the ability to repair itself. I don't ascribe bad motivations to any parent trying to figure this out. Everyone wants what's best for their kid. But the 2027's are getting ready to go through the first noticeably big injury year, so be warned. (cue snarky comment...)

Agreed. This is why not making varsity as a freshman will actually be a blessing to many girls on top clubs