Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
M&D is top 2027 top to bottom I’ve seen and it’s been that way for a few years. Top defenders sets them apart imo. They don’t make mistakes.

OK big momma, your daughter played against average competition

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
M&D is top 2027 top to bottom I’ve seen and it’s been that way for a few years. Top defenders sets them apart imo. They don’t make mistakes.

OK big momma, your daughter played against average competition

They played against Jesters, FL Select, and Eagle Stix. But sure, average.

So now anyone who isn't top 4 is average? The stuff some of the clowns write.

And for the record, M&Ds bread and butter is draw, getting up and down the field and scoring. I've never known them to be defensive juggernauts. Like, not ever. Heros, however, has a great defensive unit.

Ok hero’s dad. Hero’s defense is their weak spot, 100%. They have an amazing goalie, and one great defender. Other than that, they are average at best. Most of their defenders would struggle to make the A team on M&D, SW, MDU, and Capital.

I wouldn't go that far, I am just saying HG D is not in same tier as M&D. BTW, most other teams (NY) use a backer D to hide their defenders. Great defenders are very hard to find, its just very hard, the rules are against you in girls lax.

To your point of great defenders, I think All American only took 3-4 defenders. I guess they'll work in some midfielders. American Select took more. I guess the debate then becomes quality.