Many have tried under different circumstances. It's futile to discuss anything with this group. They're bunch of homegrown Rocky Pointers that will follow each other off a cliff. Some of them even hated each other back in the day, but now under the lax banner, are "friends". They are all a bunch of users. Using each other. We would have more success debating these issues with a brick wall. Most of them are dumb as doorknobs. What they have going for them is that they are established, have a lot of time to waste, mobilize quickly to squash any dissidents, and they create a lot of noise, noise, noise. That so called brilliant Lady Eagles coach wouldn't know the difference zone and man-to-man. He carries a lax stick all the time to prop himself up because doesn't even know how to use it---and this is not even a joke. What's even sadder than the deterioration of the youth program is the group that follows him. None...not one of their kids will get scholarship money. He's 3 kids through the YJ program. One didn't play college. The other didn't get any money. I think #3 will might get some money. She committed to MD, but she still has 3 more years of HS. Parents, invest your money in your kids education. Let kids be kids before they grow up to be adults and hate you for ruining their childhood.