Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Did LILJ just put everyone on the list that had paid for something from them in the past? Thats the biggest scam and joke in Long Island Lacrosse. Just pay them, you’ll make the list. Be selective at least. Some of those kids are very good and should be grouped separate from the rest.

You should not be able to pay for something called a "All LI Games" or pay to be recognized. The number of kids listed is a complete joke and many kids who have never done any LILJ events are not included.

There are actually kids that never did LILJ on the list.
So enough with that.

You people are pissed cause your kids not on it or pissed cause you deem kids not worthy. You have no clue about these kids. Some may not have been studs when they were younger but have improved quite a bit. Just because they aren’t on 91 or express ( who get automatic mentions for most rankings) doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it.
These kids will surprise you.
Really can’t stand you people.