Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
2028 grade level has become a joke with all the K and 8th grade reclasses. 91, Express, Legacy, S2S reclassed are everywhere.

What is a K reclass? lol.

It’s a 5 year old that doesn’t start Kindergarten and starts at 6 yrs old. There are quite a few on the top teams. Has same effect as 8th grade reclass and more socially accepted but cheating none the less as they weren’t done for any other reason than athletics.

What most Long Island crybabies don’t realize is that the most common cutoff date to start kindergarten in the US is August 1. The second most common cutoff is September 1. Some are in July, and some are even in June! You can look it up if you can muster the stamina, or imagine a world in which there are places on earth other than Long Island.

For 8th grade and under, USA Lacrosse uses a Sept 1 cutoff for the 12 month grouping, and June 1 for the 15 month grouping…because they understand this. It’s not cheating for a kid born in June 2009 to have played 2028 lacrosse this past summer unless a tournament had its own cutoff.

It’s not cheating when the rules SPECIFICALLY ALLOW IT. Duh.

The dolts who don’t realize that NY has the latest cutoff in the country are the ones crying the most.

Everyone in NY is well aware of this. You aren’t breaking new ground. We are complaining about kids on Long Island not out of state who reclass and who manipulate our states cutoff date for school to start (Kindergarten) their kids in school later than they should for athletic gain.

You may realize this, but you are in the very small minority of people on Long Island who seem to realize it.

You’re moving the goalposts, but complaining about a kid “reclassing" by starting school late is just as weak. The birthday cutoff is what matters. That’s the compromise that takes into account safety but also the fact that 48 states use a school birthday cutoff earlier than Jan 1.

A kid born in May 2009 (or earlier) could have started school late, but still could not have played 2028 this past summer. If one did, that would fairly be called cheating. But the rules change again for 2028s this summer. The June 1 cutoff doesn’t apply going forward.

Age restrictions were only implemented for the 2029 class and below.

I don’t think so. It applied to 2028s this past summer. Basically, it applies each year starting Sept 1 of 8th grade, and ending Aug 31 following 8th grade, and all younger years.

Last year, it applied to 2028 and younger. Right now, it’s 2029 and younger.

The age verification system 6/1 that was used this past season from September 2023 - Summer 2024 was only for the 2029 class and below. The 2029 class will still have that system in place for this year. Once they enter HS it’s grade based play, age goes out the window.