Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
No one agrees with you reclass Dad. If they did the entire 91/Express teams would be reclassing rather than just a handful of kids. Reason why they don’t is everyone else thinks it is nuts!

Literally not a *single* reclass hating parent is refusing to reclass his kid purely out of *principle*.

Either (1) you don’t need to (because your kid is a student - sincere congrats), (2) you don’t think it’s worth doing (because it won’t help your marginal player, who is low level D1, or mid to low D3, or not even planning to play in college - nothing wrong with any of those), or (3) you can’t afford to do it (understandable, and no doubt the right call not to do it).

So...why pretend otherwise? Why the moral preening?

Just admit that other teams, playing by the rules, beat your son’s team. It’s not the end of the world.

First and foremost not many parents at this age care about wins and losses as long as their kids team is somewhat competitive. It’s very much about recruitment very soon.

My son is a very good player. I’m not going to lie and tell you that I’m sure he is good enough for higher level D1. As it stands now, he is in the top 5% of players in his graduation year. Varsity as an 8th grader. Definitely some room for improvement. He is my oldest and I’m admitting I really am not educated enough to tell you where that places him at the end of hist 10th grade year, assuming he progresses at the same level. For arguments sake you’ll have to take my word for it regarding where he is at talent wise.

With that said, I can’t reclass him for a few reasons. First and foremost, he has no urge. We have talked about the lacrosse landscape and the reclassing thing and he just doesn’t want to, despite being young for a 28. No parent in their right mind would force a kid to repeat a grade against their will assuming they are on par academically. Second reason I can’t reclass him is I simply can not afford it. And the third reason is I don’t believe it sends the right message to my son about rising to the occasion.

Now I have told my story. I’m anti holdback. And truth be told it is not out purely out of principle. I gave my reasons. You 100% nailed it.

Now it’s your turn buddy. Is your holdback stance base on…
1. Your kid is small (not their fault).
2. Your kid is not good at lacrosse (very good chance it’s also not their fault).

I’m gonna sort of quote you here.
Literally not a *single* reclass LOVING parent has admitted the reason they made the decision to reclass. It’s not solely to provide an advantage. No advantage would be needed if they didn’t fall into one of the two categories above.

So which is it?
Too small?
Not good enough?
It is definitely one of those two reasons, so why pretend otherwise?

Why are you so obsessed on why families made this decision?
Additionally your Jerry McGuire mission statement is full of holes. He’s not your oldest, he’s your second. Top 5% really HAHAHA! Only one holdback obsessed Dad thinks and says outrageous comments like that and everyone knows who you are.