Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
you're right...express should move ahead. they have 4 out of state kids joining the team. is that better or worse than reclassing?

If a local club refused to take reclasses and out of state players as their rule no matter what the age they would find that they would be rolling in requests to play on their teams.
Last year all you seen on here was Express bashing they didn’t lose to any Long Island teams including Venom who they beat twice and second time it was bad I don’t expect you clueless parents to change. Keep the detest alive

Outside of the venom win at a CoachC run event what was express best win?
Man you guys always have an excuse you got smoked. That’s it

The only thing that matters this year is this year!

To be honest, I think Venom is more focused on beating elite teams off LI to which they have done more successfully year over year. Yes venom wants to beat express, they want to beat everyone but it’s more satisfying to beat Leading Edge and BBL and WCS and Crabs and Ohio Elite and on and on.

There is only one reclass on Venom (goalie) and no one flies in from out of state. Several kids are 2010 birthdays, so that’s something to be proud of. Need to keep this whole thing in perspective. My kid has definitely improved being on Venom and the families are awesome, no drama and the coaches are even better! That’s the truth and I know this will get criticized but venom families don’t care because we are loving the ride!!

I bet you are. Your kids get promoted the most by the so called fair rankings type pages on social media. They kiss @$$ so bad it’s hilarious how much back scratching goes on. You can connect the dots.