Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Madlax parent here. It was immature, in poor taste, and it crossed the line. I don't condone Cabell's actions and I am sure that other Madlax parents feel the same way. That is not the type of program that we want to be. We all make mistakes. Cabell is a passionate coach and it sometimes clouds his judgment. But overall, he means well. I am sure that it is part of the reason that he took it down. I don't know whether Cabell will ever apologize, but I want to say that I am sorry it happened, and I hope that it never happens again.
Sometimes? He knew exactly what he was doing by making that post. It doesn’t matter that he took it down, the damage was done. I have lost respect for every parent who chooses to pay money to play for him. You are condoning his history of actions by filling his pockets, and he will not stop the behavior because of it. Well done, parents. Keep talking trash about him, but you are the reason he is still out there doing what he does.

Ok Karen