Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don't believe that any club that rosters 25 or 30 kids on a team ever struggles to put 10 on the field with at least a few subs. Even with kids sick, hurt, other conflicts of the extreme is you have only 1 goalie and 14 field players, you should have 15 very happy kids and families going home. Kids can play 3 games, and if they are doing expensive club lacrosse to develop and get noticed eventually they want to play as much as they can.

If any club is hauling kids down or over from other teams in the same club, I believe the reason for that is something else. And something else is usually importing over or down ringers to make sure the team has the best props to win and make the club look good (or at least better than their crosse county rivals). I don't need to suggest that Madlax, VLC, FCA, Crabs and all others have reasons to do this: all you need to do is follow the Monday morning social media bragging about which club team won or did better than the rival club teams.

I think you are putting way to much thought in to this. I think they just wanted have even brackets and good games. The 2020AA bracket had two 2019A teams in it. And all the top 2020AA teams that played the 2019A teams played well or beat the 2019A teams. But after each game none of the parents where upset on either side. Its fall and Madlax is not trying to win a championship they just wanted even games and good play.