Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So it's ok to play for a maniac who threatens kids and families as long as it's not you. And if one brings that up, it must be because a kid got cut. Do you hear yourself? I guess you either have no morals or no problem telling your son that your family's morals are swallowed every time he puts on the uniform.

This is not a new development. Every time you take the field, all the other people know that you are playing for the Ungrateful Quitter guy.

Your argument is incredibly weak. Do you hear yourself? Again, it's about getting better and preparing yourself to play at a high level in HS. You keep standing on your moral high horse that's most likely some uncompetitive and poorly coached club. Nobody cares.

Dude, you are weak. If you think it's fine to lower your family's morals to play for that guy, more power to you. There are several clubs that your son could play for equal or better to Madlax, but if you tell your son it's fine to associate with that filth, it's all on you.

You've established you think it's fine if he threatens people as long as it's not you. Why do you think so many kids leave once they hit HS? Because they get tired of that crap and realize there are equal or better options.

We all associate with filth on a daily basis. It is part of learning to live in this world. This man's child will have to work with and for difficult people his whole life. Playing for such a coach might actually cause him to grow by leaps and bounds. Besides, he pays the guy to coach lacrosse, not parent his son.