Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’m am looking at the NXT ratings on Philly lacrosse dot com. 7 out of the top 15 teams has a majority of players who are post grad or post grad age on their team. Of those, the “juniors” are also senior age or older. This is a joke. How do the normal teams compete with this. If your son is turning 19 his senior year, he should not be allowed to play.

The rule is if you turn 19 after September 1st you are eligible to play. that is PIAA and Inter-Ac rule. And not sure what you mean by "majority". Most of those teams may have 4-5 kids that would turn 19 their senior year. And that would be on the high side of players. Most reclass kids are late spring, early summer so will turn 19 after the season. There are the exceptions.