Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
BPG will have their affiliates playing, not the national teams you dunder. Meaning, BL and Duke’s (maybe even a Delco and some of the smaller teams, not sure).
As for the NLF, they are desperate; my son guest played for one of the teams, as did a ton of players, proving the current talent ain’t that good. Sorry pal; your son stinks
Hhh youth teams will not win a game all season. Which age? Any of them !!! Total joke of a program.

Well you are the one HHH detractor here. Few posts up HHH was called the premier program. Only way to get recruited is to be on HHH.
HHH youth programs are fine. The families that are a part of it are getting what they want...low key, fundamentals based, team fun. Not everyone is looking for 2-3X a week practices year round for a 10 year old where your kid can be recruited over. Been there done that, learned from it.