Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Some surprises today!
- YJ Wiener loses to integrity
- Jesters black only losing by 2 goals to top 30 teams
- Ramos loses by ten to primetime
- Liberty beats jersey select by one
- legacy wins all three games

The mighty wiener has fallen!

This can happen when teams start playing showcase lacrosse and playing equal playing time. That’s what showcases are for.

If the Wiener top girls were playing and they were being “coached” to win by Wiener herself (they are not), that 1 loss would have not happened. They are still “mighty” and have some of the best 24s in that age group. Facts.

Jesters seems to be on the up and up coming up very close to beating strong teams. Biggest issue with this team is that daddy’s kid plays the entire 50 minutes even though she clearly is not the strongest player on her team. I guess that clubs accept this is going to happen when they let parents coach teams. This also happens on other teams as well with parent coaches.YJ Ramos and his assistant coach leave their kids on the field even though they are clearly the weakest on the roster and 91 keeps their kids in and their kids best friends in when there is other talent to be showcased. Empire bengals do this too. Coaches kids are the weakest on the roster, so unless you’re playing to showcase they should be benched. Then you have top guns who has their favorites and rarely makes a sub and will bench kids an entire game while other don’t come off. There are some exceptions to this “showcase” everyone rule when you’re dealing with a parent coaches child.

Should be a rule for clubs that they have to play to showcase these games and that every kid even the coaches gets the same time as others. Shame that playing to showcase rosters does not apply to coaches kids.

Up and coming? Didn’t the jesters go 0-4 this weekend including losses to two teams ranked lower than 70?

The rankings are not legit yet- not nearly enough games. Playing [ChillLaxin] teams to get 4 wins does nothing for you. Get some games in where scores are within 3 for each game and that’s a good competition. college Coaches don’t care if you lost by 3, they’re there to watch you play players at your level. At this point, I commend jesters & Weiner for giving their girls equal time to showcase them even if it meant losses. I watched other program who did not do the same. 91 very lopsided. Top guns very lopsided. Legacy lopsided. So the fact that those coaches were willing to lose by playing everyone speaks to their understanding of what these tournaments mean at this age group. The only people who care about scores anymore are mommy and daddy on the sideline who want to text their buddies on other teams how much better they are than other teams

Agreed. 91, although playing against teams that were better than them in many cases, also played everyone evenly so they can showcase all the kids like when they lost to M&D red by 4.