Originally Posted by Anonymous
A few Jesters kids left the program , Recon is in shambles , Recon program is extremely weak, the kids with any type of talent are looking elsewhere. YJ has four teams in this age group , they could easily just combine the actual good players and have a A, B ,C half of these kids don’t play anyway. 91 team kept the core group and added a few Crossfire kids . Haven’t heard much on the legacy front, assuming smooth sailing in legacy

The jesters kids that left were b and c players or kids who were cut from a. Kids on AA were cut for new talent that tried out. Recon will likely fall apart. The A team for 91 is the crossfire roster with 5 kids cut and 5-6 bandits players according to a friend on the team. Legacy wanted a b team but it didn’t seem to workout and 91s c team fell apart. Elevate is going downhill quickly. Not sure if yellow jackets politics will allow a change to be made. Did Recon fold yet? What about flg?