Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think we all agree that girls should have gotten feedback of some sort after the fall, but to say there is no opportunity to be seen by those programs this summer and get put on their list is what the argument is about. There is a reason AS sidelines were filled with coaches for the 23's last year. They were still looking and evaluating at the end of July. Keep in mind, girls also fall off those list in the summer, so "interest" only goes so far. 9/1 is when you really know.

I made the original post and i should have clarified a bit. I was referred to top 25 schools and Ivies. Lower tier schools are still adding to their recruiting lists.

The broader point, though, is if you haven't heard from anyone, you are likely targeting your search too high.

Why do you lump "Top 25" AND Ivy's together?

Do you really think that Top Lacrosse Programs and Ivy's are done with their lists?

Do you really think that "lower tier" whatever that means are the only programs still making their lists?

It does not appear that you have much knowledge about how the recruiting process works.

Do you realize that a very small number of players from Long Island will receive offers from Top Lacrosse Programs or from any of the Ivy's. Maybe 20 - 25 from Top Programs (Princeton & Penn are Top Programs) and maybe 6 - 8 if that many total from the Ivy's.

Very few kids will receive offers early in the process.