Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Its killing YJ nation that they aren't as dominant as they once were and their numbers at the younger ages continue to plummet (50% decrease in teams) Now in fairness, they were the biggest so they had the most to lose but LI has seen a reduction in hard core year round players plus the talent is more spread out amongst all the clubs plus their weak coaching is finally been exposed. Kids on 3rd and 4th teams have walked away or are playing on weaker clubs A and B teams where they get a little more TLC and better coaching

You are 100% correct, all these new clubs have clearly diluted the talent from the third and forth YJ teams.

I would add 2nd and some 1st teams to your assessment. Most of B teams are really not that good and aren't retaining the talent they once did. The better girls leave because there are so many other options.