Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Whoever said you pay as much money in to the Club as you get out in scholarship well.... my first kid paid in over $30k in her club career and she got a token $5,500 a year athletically to a school that was over $45,000 so we lost our shirts. If that's why you are doing it quit now the return on investment couldn't be any worse than girls lacrosse! If you like the game, and dont mind giving up your summer weekends and have the financial means than do it otherwise get an SAT tutor!

I should have paid my kid $5k and sent her to a state school

When you say state school, I guess you mean SUNY. Because schools in the $45,000. range are probably state schools that you are paying out of state tuition. Maryland, UNC, PSU, UVA, Willaim and Mary, etc etc etc all state schools. You could have taken that same $5,000. and went to SBU, Albany, Binghamton and your cost would be half of what your paying now.

While that may be true there is little comparison between a SUNY school and those in terms of academics, campus, athletics, alumni networks etc. If money is the only factor I agree but you only get to go to college once .